TELEFONAS +447767706368
DARBO LAIKAS P–Sekmadienis: 8:00–19:00

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+44 1789 296561

+44 7392 970718



Įkvėpti vilties ir prisidėti prie gerovės teikiant į pacientą orientuotą sveikatos priežiūrą ir teikiant puikią klinikinę kokybę per integruotą medicinos praktiką, švietimą ir mokslinius tyrimus.


Darbo valandos


08:00 – 19:00

Mūsų vertybės

Žmogaus dėmesys


Pagarba visuomenei, aplinkai ir įstatymams

Komandinis darbas

Pacientų ir darbuotojų pasitenkinimas

Smart Lens
Lazerinė akis

Atsisveikinkite su akiniais ir kontaktiniais lęšiais ir gaukite aiškesnį bei laisvesnį regėjimą atlikdami tikslias ir individualizuotas operacijas.

Mummy makeover • Tummy tuck • Breast S. & more
Kosmetikos chirurgija

Mūsų chirurgai siūlo daugybę plastinės, rekonstrukcinės ir estetinės procedūrų, tinkančių tiek vyrams, tiek moterims, kurias atlieka mūsų patyrusi specialistų chirurgų komanda.

Implant • Zirconium crown • Emax & more

Mūsų Dantų gydymo skyriuje tiksli odontologija derinama su novatoriškais sprendimais, siekiant suteikti jums platų paslaugų asortimentą, kuris pagerina jūsų šypsenos sveikatą ir grožį.

Vaginoplasty & more

Ginekologinė chirurgija – tai bet kurios moters reprodukcinės sistemos dalies, įskaitant makštį, gimdos kaklelį, gimdą, kiaušintakius ir kiaušides, operacija.

Gastric sleeve • Gastric bypass • Gastric balloon
Nutukimo chirurgija

Prieš pradėdami nutukimo operaciją, atliekame išsamų įvertinimą su daugiadisciplinine ekspertų komanda, siekdami užtikrinti, kad kiekvienas pacientas gautų jam tinkamą medicininę procedūrą.

DHI • Fue
Plaukų persodinimas

Regenesis grąžina pasitikėjimą savimi visiems, kenčiantiems nuo plaukų slinkimo problemų.

Mūsų pacientai

Mes išlaikome savo pacientų lūkesčius aukščiausiu lygiu, sureikšmindami pacientų teises, teikdami kokybiškas ir ekonomiškas paslaugas, besirūpinančias pacientų saugumu. Pažvelkime į mūsų pacientų keliones su Regenesis Health Travel!


Had me teeth done at regenesis I am over the moon with the job couldn’t of ask for them to be any better they took care of everything from start to finish perfectly all the staff are very nice and the dentists are top class also very well priced thank you for such a great job well recommended
Stephen Bennett
Stephen Bennett
29. November, 2023.
I am the happiest client after being treated at this clinic. Extremely impressed & delighted with consultation. Very pleasant and helpful doctor. I felt well informed on the benefits and risks of the treatment. Very helpful nice manner. I would highly recommend this clinic to anyone that needs treatments that they provide. I felt so welcomed and relaxed as I knew I was in good hands. Honestly the best experience and service I’ve ever had. Thanks so much Ausra Mesko for big support from beginning and end off my teeth treatment journey.
Inga Rutkauskiene
10. October, 2023.
The professionalism and friendliness of the whole team is outstanding. I’ve been going with them for a complicated process and then for keeping up and cleaning. Every visit is like visiting friends. I couldn’t be happier with the results.I will right my story. I came from USA and did all my implants treatment. Everybody is so nice and friendly. I am so happy with the treatment I refer for other friends, three from Germany and one from USA. treatment from USA, and every single person from my friends is so happy and appreciated the ReGenesis I want to tell you Kursat. Hi all questions appreciate it Regenis Dentist wanted that for me and my friends highly recommend it to everybody else. Thank you Regensis
9. October, 2023.
Jolanta Lekeckiene
jolanta lekeckiene
9. October, 2023.
I did my new smile in Regenesis Health Travel clinic last year. Best service and very friendly, helpful team. Specially big thanks for Kursat, who support me from beginning.I will recommend this clinic to everyone!
9. October, 2023.
Hello I done my teeth treatment. And I very happy. Price and job is perfect. Very good team
Ausra Mesko
Ausra Mesko
9. October, 2023.
What can i say! Amazing. I had a gastric sleeve done, and my girlfriend had her teeth done! Amazing company through and through! Dr Ramazan Azar for the sleeve was amazing. No troubles at all. Rich hospital staff we're great! Dr Ertugrul for dentistry was amazing too! Both very professional! Couldnt recommended enough! Shout out to my rep patrycja! Perfect! Thankyou!
Samcim 77
Samcim 77
7. September, 2023.
Hi, My name is Alexandra I am Romanian but I live in England, I Recommend Regenesis especially because My brilliant coordinator"KURSAT" was always there for me no matter the time he was 24h there, and also because of my experience with them was amazing, My doctor "ERTUGRUL" was professional lots of patient with me very caring people, looked after me the whole time including the drivers "CETI" And the team was very polite and helpful. The final result was stunning, My teeth look just perfect feel very comfortable with them in my mouth, and no pain at all!!!. In the end, I just what to remain there and didn't want to come back haha. Well done guys I will come again just to visit and say hello to you 🙂 And to show you guys I look after my teeth like you recommend to do it!!! YOU ARE THE BEST AND VERY PROFESSIONAL!!!😍😍😍😍😍
Avadanei Alexandra
Avadanei Alexandra
2. September, 2023.
Sveikatos skyriai
Įvairios Paslaugos
Dabartiniai pacientai
Patenkinti pacientai

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Ginekologija ir Akušerija
Akių Gydymo Chirurgas
Kosmetikos Chirurgas
Bendrosios Chirurgijos Specialistas

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